English: In January 2009, President of the United States of America, George W. Bush invited then President-Elect Barack Obama and former Presidents George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Jimmy Carter for a Meeting and Lunch at The White House. Photo taken in the Oval Office at The White House. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The naked opportunism of our Republican politicians and the Democratic poltroons who join them in their petty sniping is a discredit to our nation. An American journalist was beheaded by a Muslim troglodyte earlier this week, and President Obama happens to be on his annual vacation at Martha's Vineyard, a resort island in New England. The day after that obscene demonstration of the nihilism and amorality of jihadist Islam, The President took to a podium set up for him where he is vacationing and he spoke candidly about his intention to use our resources to find and deal with those responsible, but he then went back to vacationing and played golf. Almost the moment he did so the Republicans began sniping at him for not donning sackcloth and mourning going into mourning. And now that the outcome of the November elections appears to be more in doubt than ever, some Democrats pandered to their more conservative constituents by agreeing with the Republicans for political gain. And of course their cries of callousness had already become a daily clamor regarding the violence in Ferguson, Missouri...as if there is ever a good time for a president to go out of town to recreate. Of course, the hue and cry over the Affordable Care Act is unabated as Mr. Obama vacations, and he is impliedly the cause of the national puling over the Common Core, which eventuated primarily because of the decade-and-more old "No Child Left Behind" legislation that the Republicans and their leader, George W. Bush, thought was such a good idea that they touted it as their legislative beneficence during the next election cycle...to good effect I might add. But all of the whining about President Obama doesn't amount to one iota of substantive criticism whether you see merit in it or not. When a president vacations doesn't alter the course of history, especially that being made by lunatics and zealots. As to what has already been done--the ACA and the Common Core for example--all of the criticism is a function of elliptical, eristic, purely political casuistry that not only lacks merit but is also a disservice to those who actually would think about the issues if they were clearly and honestly illuminated by the debate. We should be ashamed...but we're not.
The fact that this goes on and on, election after election, is a discredit to us as Americans. Why are we not demanding intellectual integrity rather than stated affiliation to one party or the other and demonstration of philosophical credentials for the benefit of the strident fringes of our two-party political system. What's worst about it all is that it could be avoided if our legislature were not permitted by its own self-made, self-serving rules to thwart the will of the people with Robert's Rules of Order and filibusters. If every one had to vote on every issue in each house, it wouldn't matter whether one party or the other were in power because we could chose our representatives and senators based on what they stood for rather than who they caucused with and what kind of pronouncements they made on the evening news. As to the awareness of the public as to the real substance of the issues, if the news media were more concerned with such things than they are with whether beluga whales play with the children who watch them through the glass at the Mystic Aquarium, we might actually elect some people who deserve to be recognized in our history for their integrity rather than forgotten because in the end all they were was political hacks. I for one don't care what John McCain thinks about The President's vacation, nor do I want to hear anymore from him about Benghazi and the IRS's attitudes about the Tea Party. Let's get down to business. Let's make our senators--Harry Reid in particular--eliminate the refuge from public scrutiny that filibustering and poisoning legislation with unrelated amendments that no majority would ever vote for provides for these weak minded pols.
My hope is that sooner or later we will be faced with decisions about the integrity of our politicians rather than their party affiliations and their public personae. I hope that one day people will cast their votes based on what kind of person a candidate really is and whether he can be trusted to honestly do the people's business for them. Who knows. Maybe that will happen this November. But I fear that it won't and that we will continue to wallow in this self-destructive political ether in which we find ourselves floating. It's a shame really. This could be such a great country.
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