I just finished reading Michael Wolff's book, "Fire and Fury" about the Trump White House. It wasn't really a revelation in that we have seen all the evidence necessary to draw the conclusions he drew on the evening news, but it was interesting in that the opinion of his nature seems to be universal: stupid, impetuous, petulant, intentionally obtuse, lacking in intellectual curiosity, lazy, vindictive and totally lacking in loyalty. Wolff notes in his book that Trump bragged that he never bought a text book in college-- he went to Wharton, one of the best known business schools in the world and graduated, which doesn't say much for Wharton--and I have heard that he has bragged that he has never read a book at all. But the real problems we have as a nation in that he is president aren't those. We have had dolts as president before, but they were always steer-able by the staffs they chose and one could predict their conduct based on the policies and pronouncements they made. But Trump says one thing today and not just another but the opposite tomorrow, which is the real problem. He is dishonest, sure, and that accounts for some of his self-contradictory acts, deeds and fulminations. But the preponderance of his erratic behavior is a function of something else. Donald Trump is a hedonistic nihilist. All he wants in life is to play golf, sexually accost women and make money. He's done plenty of the first and the last, and I am guessing that it is only a matter of time until he touches a member of his staff or a female reporter the wrong way too. You can't take his word for anything, and you can't count on his pronouncements of putative policy because he doesn't really believe in anything, so he can't remember why he did or said what he said yesterday since it had no basis in fact or belief. He makes up reality to suit himself, and much of the time his reality is actually his fantasy, and he lies with impunity. All that is farcical, but something he said today is really terrifying.
He now wants to have a military parade, you know, trot out the mobile missiles and the marching troops on Pennsylvania while he sits on a reviewing stand offering a non-military--he was never in the military, not even the reserves like "W" was--and puffs out the nation's chest for all the world to see. It is a proposal worthy of Vladimir Putin or Kim Jung-Un. We have not just an apostate to his own policies but a lunatic for our president, and his now-military posturing can serve no purpose but to get us all in trouble while he retreats to a bomb shelter somewhere to save his own ass. And I guess we shouldn't be surprised given his threat of "fire and fury like the world has never seen" against the North Korean's "Dear Leader." He has already demonstrated a similar temperament in that he called the Democrats treasonous yesterday because they didn't clap for him during his State of the Union address. Apparently he didn't watch any of Barrack Obama's speeches to congress when the Republicans withheld their applause too...either that or Republicans are by definition immune to such criticism. Of course, it isn't surprising that he would think such a thing, Trump being nothing more than an ego with feet. No doubt he thinks Obama didn't deserve applause whereas Trump always does no matter what preposterous, inane thing he says or does. But this parade thing comes out of the blue. It is startling coming even from him. Is this supposed to be a yearly thing now...sort of a May Day parade like they have in Russia? Will it serve the same purpose as it does in Russia, that is, demonstration of the personal power of Trump's brother in arrogance, Vlad the Putin? Are we headed the way of Russia?
That's what I mean by this idea being terrifying. I fear that Trump fancies himself a strong-man like Putin. We haven't had a revolution since 1776. Is this an augury of one to come? Does our man Trump have in mind to stay in the White House until he dies? As I often say since Trump was elected, what are the odds?
Your friend,
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