Dear America,
I'm no fan of Donald Trump, but it has become clear to me that he is never going to be impeached unless it's for lying about the letter he drafted for his son about his meeting with the Russians or for obstruction of justice when he fired James Comey and then admitted that he did it to stop the Russia investigation. And even if he is impeached for those things, the likelihood that The Senate would convict him is low, even if the Democrats regain control. The fact is that Bill Clinton's misfeasance puts Trump's Russia-related misdeeds to shame.
But that being said, there are still the November elections to keep in mind, and the Democrats' strategies do matter in that regard. At the moment, strategy may be hyperbole when it is applied to what the Democrats are doing; it's more like ad hoc tactics that they are employing. For example, they are essentially doing what the Republicans did with Hillary Clinton's emails, only they are doing it with immigration, and I think that most Americans don't know enough about it for the Democrats' tactics, just as they didn't about the emails, to change minds without some sanctimonious abettor like James Comey to magnify it all for them. And while Jeff Sessions is doing a good job of that with his policy pronouncements, he doesn't have the self-endowed grandiosity that Comey had before he wrote his self-serving apologia. Sessions is still obviously a minion, so imaginations he will never capture, thus, he can't be the dragon slayer...he can't pretend to by St. George, at least not the way that St. James Comey did. So the Democrats' belaboring of the immigration issue is doomed to seem like a ho-hum political show at best, staged for partisan purposes and of little concern to the average American. The consequence of their calls for hearings and pious condemnations may well be a little back-fire. But if they stop whipping the dead horse for awhile, they may get what they are looking for anyway.
With an unemployment rate of under 3%, even good jobs are going begging. So all those seasonal small businesses that import grunt labor from the poorer countries in Europe and Latin America are going to need foreign labor to survive while Donald Trump is trying to keep the grunts out of the country. So the entrepreneurs who run those small businesses--and there are millions of them--are going to have to decide some time about mid-summer whether they want his policies again next year. A state with a lot of small farmers, like Wisconsin for example where someone has to milk the cows before the cheese can get made, and like Massachusetts where the tourist industry on Cape Cod depends on waiters born in Bosnia and Slovenia, will have significant numbers of anti-Trump apostates who voted for him in 2016, but want their businesses to survive through 2020. For that to happen, they are going to need Democratic hegemony in both houses of congress. And the small business people aren't the only potential apostates among Trump's base. Jobs are plentiful, but not jobs that anyone really wants to do. We still import people from poorer countries who will work for less money, like computer programmers and other technology types so that Apple, Google and Amazon can get what they want for $20 an hour rather than $30 or $50. And while we still need people to pick apples and tomatoes, the customer service jobs are going overseas because anyone can talk to anyone on the phone these days; it doesn't matter where the two people are speaking from. And then of course there are the new anti-Trump types.
Millions of kids will turn 18 between now and November, and two or three times that many will come of age by November 2020. So, if the Democrats just sit and smile instead of scrambling in a futile effort, they'll still get to eat the canary at the end of the day. They just have to do the un-Democratic thing. Instead of saying the wrong things, or the same things over and over again, they should just say, "OK, America. We did what we could. It's up to you now."
Your friend,
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