Dear America,
I've made it pretty clear how I feel about Donald Trump. That being said, I have no objection to a RIF (reduction in force) in the federal civil service as long as it is done rationally and without impairing the performance of government agencies and services, but there's the rub. As with most everything Trump does, a lack of forethought and rational objectives taints the process we are going through now. If I have to chose between Medicaid and foreign aid, I will chose Medicaid for those Americans in need. But if I have to chose between the Centers for Disease Control and an increase in defense spending, I will chose the CDC in the hope that it can create vaccines we need when we need them rather than the $1,000 toilets that the defense department is alleged to have bought in years gone by, which brings me to Republican memes.
You may have noticed that whenever a Republican is asked about something like the priorities driving Trump's actions, especially the questionable or even bizarre ones, the first response is that Joe Biden caused the problem at issue whether the etiology of the problem is significant or not, and for that matter, whether Biden even had anything to do with it. Inflation is a world-wide problem, this round of which started with the pandemic and supply chain problems internationally. Biden administration acts and policies had nothing to do with it, but Trump and his party are still campaigning against Biden whether out of shear pettiness or invidiousness, in either case attempting to distract from the dubiety of their own positions on the subject. Trump said he would bring prices down starting with his first day in office, but he has done no such thing...or for that matter even made any effort in that regard. For that matter, he also said he would end the Russo-Crimean war on his first day in office, but so far, he has just made it a bigger mess, but I digress. A second pervasive Republican meme is that they are addressing fraud and abuse in the federal government by ending programs and contracts. But you'll notice they haven't produced much in the way of evidence of such problems, nor have they even mentioned ones like the thousand dollar toilet I just referred to or the fact that they are proposing to increase the defense budget by hundreds of billions rather than rooting out gouging by suppliers and cost overruns on defense oriented projects like new weapons and aircraft. They would rather focus on Medicaid than the defense department when they contemplate budgetary constraints.
When it comes to Trump's aversion to Zelensky and Ukraine, and his extolling of Russia's dictator, Vladimir Putin as well as the fact that Putin started the war, not Zelensky, they don't bother to take a position. They just side-step the question and find a way to deflect the conversation to Joe Biden or proffer some bogus new issue that has nothing to do with Trump's apostasy relative to the American ethos on the subject of kleptocracy, tyranny and autocracy, probably because Trump admires Putin and aspires to being just like him. And I've never heard a Republican come up with a rationale for Trump's claim that Ukraine started the war. But their unconditional fealty to Trump is always on display, which is the last thing I want to talk about today. Trump is a miscreant, a pathological liar, a narcissist, a braggart and so many other things that are at least detestable, but certainly odious. That being said, he couldn't be where he is, that is in the White House, if it weren't for Republicans, both office holders and voters of the party. Somehow, that plurality of the electorate has justified their support for a despicable martinet who extols white supremacists and dictators and vilifies their victims. They putatively advocate for virtue and condemn the lack of it in everyone but Trump, and it is that hypocrisy that puts our nations centuries of "truth, justice and the American way" in jeopardy.
Make no mistake, this is no defense of Trump nor is it a minimization of his villainy. Trump is a plague that we, as a nation may not survive. But he is not a plague, nor is the Republican refusal to stand on venerable American principles, something about which we have no control, and that is my point today. The mid-term elections are coming up in 2026, less than two years from now. All we have to do is resist the degradation of American virtue until then and we can save ourselves at the polls. The open question is, will we?
Your friend,
I've made it pretty clear how I feel about Donald Trump. That being said, I have no objection to a RIF (reduction in force) in the federal civil service as long as it is done rationally and without impairing the performance of government agencies and services, but there's the rub. As with most everything Trump does, a lack of forethought and rational objectives taints the process we are going through now. If I have to chose between Medicaid and foreign aid, I will chose Medicaid for those Americans in need. But if I have to chose between the Centers for Disease Control and an increase in defense spending, I will chose the CDC in the hope that it can create vaccines we need when we need them rather than the $1,000 toilets that the defense department is alleged to have bought in years gone by, which brings me to Republican memes.
You may have noticed that whenever a Republican is asked about something like the priorities driving Trump's actions, especially the questionable or even bizarre ones, the first response is that Joe Biden caused the problem at issue whether the etiology of the problem is significant or not, and for that matter, whether Biden even had anything to do with it. Inflation is a world-wide problem, this round of which started with the pandemic and supply chain problems internationally. Biden administration acts and policies had nothing to do with it, but Trump and his party are still campaigning against Biden whether out of shear pettiness or invidiousness, in either case attempting to distract from the dubiety of their own positions on the subject. Trump said he would bring prices down starting with his first day in office, but he has done no such thing...or for that matter even made any effort in that regard. For that matter, he also said he would end the Russo-Crimean war on his first day in office, but so far, he has just made it a bigger mess, but I digress. A second pervasive Republican meme is that they are addressing fraud and abuse in the federal government by ending programs and contracts. But you'll notice they haven't produced much in the way of evidence of such problems, nor have they even mentioned ones like the thousand dollar toilet I just referred to or the fact that they are proposing to increase the defense budget by hundreds of billions rather than rooting out gouging by suppliers and cost overruns on defense oriented projects like new weapons and aircraft. They would rather focus on Medicaid than the defense department when they contemplate budgetary constraints.
When it comes to Trump's aversion to Zelensky and Ukraine, and his extolling of Russia's dictator, Vladimir Putin as well as the fact that Putin started the war, not Zelensky, they don't bother to take a position. They just side-step the question and find a way to deflect the conversation to Joe Biden or proffer some bogus new issue that has nothing to do with Trump's apostasy relative to the American ethos on the subject of kleptocracy, tyranny and autocracy, probably because Trump admires Putin and aspires to being just like him. And I've never heard a Republican come up with a rationale for Trump's claim that Ukraine started the war. But their unconditional fealty to Trump is always on display, which is the last thing I want to talk about today. Trump is a miscreant, a pathological liar, a narcissist, a braggart and so many other things that are at least detestable, but certainly odious. That being said, he couldn't be where he is, that is in the White House, if it weren't for Republicans, both office holders and voters of the party. Somehow, that plurality of the electorate has justified their support for a despicable martinet who extols white supremacists and dictators and vilifies their victims. They putatively advocate for virtue and condemn the lack of it in everyone but Trump, and it is that hypocrisy that puts our nations centuries of "truth, justice and the American way" in jeopardy.
Make no mistake, this is no defense of Trump nor is it a minimization of his villainy. Trump is a plague that we, as a nation may not survive. But he is not a plague, nor is the Republican refusal to stand on venerable American principles, something about which we have no control, and that is my point today. The mid-term elections are coming up in 2026, less than two years from now. All we have to do is resist the degradation of American virtue until then and we can save ourselves at the polls. The open question is, will we?
Your friend,