Letter 2 America for February 5, 2025

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Dear America,

The newest outrage perpetrated by Donald Trump is his covetous display of lust for Gaza.  Never mind the will of the people of Gaza and to hell with international law.  Trump thinks Gaza would make a great Riviera for the United States to preside over while the Gazan population...well...goes somewhere else.  So he wants to annex Canada, invade and seize the Panama Canal and Greenland, and rename the Gulf of Mexico after us: the Gulf of America.  And then, he wants to seize Gaza and add it to what he perceives to be his entrepreneurial empire of buildings, name plates on other people's buildings and golf courses.  He's a Michelin Man shaped autocrat with delusions of grandeur like those of Napolean and Vladimir Putin, and he has an army of Republican poltroons behind him saying, "whatever you say, boss."  Trump is making of us a "natio non grata" in the rest of the world, and all the while he is clapping his fat little hands saying "goody goody," imbecile that he is.  My fond hope, and day by day a more and more credible prognosis for Trump world, is that come 2026, the nation, even those of you who voted for the deranged, despicable Donald, will see the error of your ways and throw him and his party out for good.  With each new Trumpian fiasco, that outcome becomes more likely.  My fingers are crossed.

My reason for applauding the Republican death spiral is that I see in that party a willingness to lie incessantly claiming a reality that favors their thirst for political power at any cost.  Mitch McConnell was interviewed on "60 Minutes" this past Sunday by Leslie Stahl.  She asked him about his statement on the floor of The Senate at the time of the second impeachment of Donald Trump, which by the way he voted against when the time came.  He said from the floor that Donald Trump was not qualified to be president and that he had precipitated the January 6th insurrection, which should disqualify him to be president again.  But then a couple of days later, while before the news media he vowed to vote for Trump if he ever became the nominee of the Republican Party again.  When Stahl asked him, in essence, what sense that made, his answer was, "I'm a Republican."  It never occurred to him that he might be morally responsible to heed his loyalty to the nation, and be an American, before honoring his loyalty to his party, and that is entirely consistent with what I see the Republican Party doing with regard to Trump, that and pursuing the self-interest in being reelected by other Republicans.  That is why I think they are bad for the American ideal and the future of our country.  They are strictly self-interested, and they see their party as the instrumentality by which they can pursue their individual interests.  The Republican Party is the party of "me first, you never."  And they lie unabashedly in the name of that pursuit.  That's why I dislike Republicans, and Mitch McConnell is the proof that I am right to.  He was the leader of the party for forty years, which means that he was blindly supported in his words and deeds by his party.  The party of McConnell is not good for anyone by its electees, and I hope that the members of the party who vote will see that over the next two years.  The Republicans are destroying us, America.  They are turning us into a Russian China.

Of course, if you ask a Republican about all of this he or she will just say that it is Democratic rhetoric and nothing more.  But I encourage you not to take my word for everything I have said so far.  Unlike the Republicans, I want you to think for yourself independently rather than toe any party line.  Just consider the fact of what Trump has proposed and if you can get by the absurdity of those things--the sheer reckless absurdity of proposing to annex parts or all of other countries either with their consent or if they decline by force--and if you see merit in those odious ambitions, ask yourself what that merit is.  Ask yourself how you would feel about China if Xe jinping proposed to do the same things, and America was to be one of the Chinese acquisitions.

China has already taken such positions with regard to Taiwan and Tibet, and it has become a confederate of Russia with regard to Ukraine, and hence, China is anathema to us, isn't it.  So why should we be permitted that same imperialistic goal with impunity.  Who are we that we should be able to do what we forbid others to do.  For all you evangelicals who voted Trump into office, "What Would Jesus Think?"  

Your friend,


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This page contains a single entry by Michael Wolf published on February 5, 2025 1:40 PM.

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