Letter 2 America for January 25, 2025

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Dear America,

 Did you ever notice that when Donald Trump says something preposterous--often an outright lie--he adds for the benefit of the crowd listening, "you know that."  It's a rhetorical trick by which he avails himself of the credulity of his constituents, which is the only real political asset he has or needs.  He has usurped their free will just as he has co-opted the minds of Republican politicians, virtually all of whom appear to be obsequious poltroons susceptible to Trump's cajoling and existential threats.  All in all they constitute a captive audience, not that he has to worry anymore.  He is a lame duck who can have his way with our country...my country...in whatever perverse way he chooses...or can he.  

Trump is a vermin: If you'll forgive me, you know that.  He is invidious, despicable, mendacious, devious, crooked as a snake, but he is getting away with it   But maybe not.  He has been impeached twice to no avail, and he probably feels that he is now possessed of impunity in that regard.  However, if he commits a high crime or a misdemeanor, that impunity flies out the window because if it is blatant enough, even his adulators will have to accept that he doesn't belong in the White House, right?  Well, that is probably just a prayer, but we can hope, and I believe that he has already committed such a crime, so my hope is that my theory will be tested, and soon.  This is what I am thinking.

Trump took his oath of office just a couple of days ago, and with it, he swore to "preserve, protect and defend the U.S. Constitution of the United States."  He can equivocate all he wants, but we all...many millions of us anyway...heard him so swear, and since the oath is in plain English, we all understood what it meant--except of course our liar in chief, Donald Trump.  And here's why I say that.  One of his first acts was to propound an executive order and affix his grotesque, contrived, magic-marker signature to it purportedly ending the birthright to citizenship afforded every person born in our nation provided for by the 14th amendment to said constitution.  That's right.  Trump had just sworn to preserve, protect and defend even that provision of the constitution and among the first acts he undertook when he entered upon his second term as president was to unilaterally assail one of the fundamental rights provided for in that constitution.  He didn't seek to preserve it.  He didn't attempt to protect it.  What he did instead is attempt to eliminate it.  Instead of defending it, he repudiated it.  That sounds like a high crime to me.  If he had only expressed disagreement with that provision of the constitution that might have been considered free speech protected by the first amendment of that very same constitution.  If he had initiated a campaign to repeal birthright citizenship, that might not have been forgivable, but it would have been his right.  But instead, he autocratically proclaimed that it no longer applied to people in the United States that he didn't want to stay here.  He undertook an act of tyranny like the vile autocrat that he is.  He committed a high crime...not just a misdemeanor...a high crime.  Thus, it is not just the prerogative of our House of Representatives to contemplate and proclaim such to be the case and to then refer the matter to The Senate for trial; It is the required duty of those bodies of our national legislature to impeach Trump, try him for his treason, convict him and then remove him from office.

Let me admit at this point that the members of our legislature have neither the integrity nor the courage to do their duty in this regard.  I'm not fooling myself that there is still any integrity on our national political scene.  All but three Republicans voted to confirm Pete Hegseth as Secretary of Defense despite all the social sins in which he has indulged and the real questions as to whether he can even be reputed to possess the mettle necessary to run the largest and most formidable armed force in the world, especially under the thumb of perhaps the most erratic politician America has ever elected.  But only three Republicans--and one of them was almost-emeritus Senator Mitch McConnell for whom doing the right thing is something new--voted against Hegseth.  I thought for awhile that John Thune, the incoming Republican Majority Leader, might be possessed of the integrity to lead the Republican Party to the practice of doing the right thing, but so far that's just been an overestimation of his character.  So the idea that Speaker Johnson of The House, who professed to believe that the January 6th insurrection was nothing but a tourism event, and Majority Leader Thune have the fortitude and character to lead the charge against our felonious president turns out to be just a pipe dream.

But that doesn't mean that no high crime has been committed.

Your friend,


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This page contains a single entry by Michael Wolf published on January 25, 2025 4:00 PM.

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