Letter 2 America for July 6, 2024

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Dear America,

As far as the competency of our current president to become our next president, I have been struggling with my consternation over President Biden's mental state since the first few seconds of the June 27th debate.  And I was not reassured by his performance in the interview George Stephanopoulos did with him yesterday.  But this morning, after reading the reportage in the paper to the effect that my consternation is now a national lament, it came to me that we don't really have a problem.  We have the 25th amendment, and maybe the amendment is not just a reassurance.  Maybe it is a way to bring back all those "never Trump" voters and insecure Democrats to the fold.  Maybe the campaign should go something like this.  "Don't worry America.  Kamala isn't going anywhere either."  There; I've said it.  Joe Biden's frailty isn't a problem for America.  If the presidency gets to be too much for Biden, there is already someone there to take his place.

It isn't imperative to point that out, though it would help if Joe Biden said it.  It only needs to be raised as a campaign point briefly...but soon.  We are safe because under section four of the amendment, a majority of the cabinet with the vice president can start the process of removing the president, and if the president resists, the issue goes to the leaders of congress to put it before the House and The Senate, in which two thirds can effect the removal of the president and the ascendancy of the Vice President to the job.  In fact, Mike Johnson, the fundamentalist zealot who is now Speaker of the House, has proposed that the Democrats resort to this remedy now, though his partisans would never support it because they think Biden is a sure fire reason to vote for Trump.  But if Biden is reelected, there is no doubt that they would vote to remove him afterward, which would be necessary only if Biden resists the cabinet and Vice-President once they have voted him out.

So now, all that is left to do is to make sure that Vice-President Harris stays out on the campaign trail to reassure the voters of her competency and the policies she supports as next in line.  That reassurance will constitute a wink to the voters that they should vote for Biden no matter what because she is there to take care of us if he meanders too far from path he should be on.

So, chins up, America.  There is no need to worry after all.  Now that all of the voters can feel reassured, Trump can be defeated in November and we will all be spared the real danger to our democracy.  We have no choice but to thwart the aspiring autocrat in chief, "The Donald" as Rhona Barrett used to call him, from assuming power again by voting for Biden ourselves.  It's the patriotic thing to do.

Your friend,


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This page contains a single entry by Michael Wolf published on July 6, 2024 11:08 AM.

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