Letter 2 America for August 15, 2024

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Dear America,

A couple of days ago, I received a text message purportedly from someone  telling me that "Don, Jr." really liked my answer to "question 4," whatever that is, and inviting me to click on what appeared to be a website...I presume to beg for money from me.  I politely responded with the prescribed message: stop2end, and they responded that I had been "successfully unsubscribe."  Within a matter of hours, I got another text, this one purportedly from "TRUMP" asking me for money.  I wrote back to say, "Stop2End," and they confirmed that they would.  But then I got a text alleging "Your information has been breached by Democrats" and urging me to donate to "Secure [my] GOP donor profile" to which I responded "Stop2End you lying felons."  And they texted back that they had done so.  Today I got a text admitting it was from the GOP and asking me to donate and have my donation matched 1050% by some rich donor.  I sent back a text saying that they must be desperate to be importuning Democrats to donate to their cause, and inviting them to leave the party of that "lying miscreant", Trump and join the Democrats.  I never got a response saying that I had succeeded in unsubscribing.  Presumably, the person who read my response to their solicitation is thinking about it.  Chalk one up for those of us who actually have honest valleys.  

But generally Trumpers are diehards.  The truth is irrelevant, and they cleave to the neo-conservative tenet that if Trump says it, it's true.  But Trump said in 2016 that he was going to build a "big beautiful wall" at the Mexican border and he added "...and they are going to pay for it.  Believe me."  Trump said it, so his gullible constituency believed him, and now no one talks about the fact that Mexico has never paid one thin dime of the cost of Trump's wall of futility.  He also went to Korea, and even took a few steps into North Korea with Kim jungun in the pursuit of curtailment of Kim's nuclear weapons development program.  Kim strung him along for a few days, but nothing changed, and Trump, who promised to subdue Kim stopped talking about his brag that he could prevail upon the dictator to abate his ominously waxing-bellicose nuclear program.  But they believed Trump...at least the evangelical Christians in attendance did...when he told them that they had to vote for him because if they got him elected, "Four more years, you know what, it will be fixed, it will be fine, you won't have to vote anymore."  Juxtapose that remark with one he made in 2020 when a crowd began chanting "four more years."  He intervened saying, "you want to drive them crazy? Ask for twelve," apparently disregarding the 22nd amendment limiting presidents to two terms, suggesting that he would prevent that amendment from having its intended effect.  Presumably the evangelicals, and for that matter all of Trump's acolytes believed this suggestion from the liar in chief, and rather than repudiating his exhortation they applauded it.  Put concisely, if it's not too late to be concise, Trumpers believe Trump no matter what idiotic thing he says, and so they are apparently okay with his ostensible promise to be in office in perpetuity and to do what they want him to do.  I don't have to tell you that I don't want either of those eventualities, and I'm betting you don't either.

So the bottom line is that Kamala Harris' election is an existential matter for our nation and our democracy as well as the individual liberty of every American.  Trump seems to desire that we all subscribe to reactionary principles, and presumably he would put that preference into law with the co-opted fealty of his Republican Party legislators.  In other words, Trump wants to be Putin, Xe, Erdogan, Orban, and every other autocrat in the world rolled into one.  He wants all of us Americans to submit to his authority, which is exacerbated by the fact that he is a philanderer, a crook as attested to by many of those who have done business with him, a megalomaniac, a pathological narcissist, a martinet... name the vicious tendency and he fit's the description.  Yet, the self-proclaimed contingent of the American electorate designating itself "evangelical" isn't proselytizing for traditional Christian virtues and tolerance of others but rather is supporting a flagrant transgressor against every tenet of virtue they putatively believe in.

Thank God Kamala is ahead in the polls.   

Your friend,


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This page contains a single entry by Michael Wolf published on August 15, 2024 5:41 PM.

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