Letter 2 America for August 7, 2024

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Dear America,

Trump says he is thrilled with Kamala Harris's choice for vice president on her ticket.  I think he is just whistling in the dark, but no matter what the case, his remark on the subject was just typical Trump.  What that means..."typical Trump"...is plain for anyone to see if his youth is considered, because that's when all this macho bravado became the cardinal quality of his public persona.  Specifically, he went to a private school until he was 13, at which point his parents removed him from that school and sent him to a military school with a reputation for maintaining a tough environment, and the most credible explanation for that transfer is that the school "recommended" to Trump's father, a predator real estate magnate named Fred Trump, that Donald go to a more disciplined kind of school.  The school settled upon by the Trumps was NYMA, or New York Military Academy, which had a reputation for producing disciplined alumni with good manners, which Donald was in need of developing.

Trump's niece, the daughter of his brother who committed suicide, is a clinical psychologist who wrote a book about her uncle, which was anything but flattering, and it included some references to Donald's career at NYMA among other things.  The Trumps as a group tried to prevent her from publishing her book, but she did so anyway, and considering the adult that Trump became, her exegesis of that process is compellingly credible.  Her account of Trump's military school career included reports of hazing, bullying, name-calling and brow beating, which he first learned as a victim and then perpetrated against younger and smaller fellow students.  Thus, Trump learned the tactics he uses in dealing with others now both by being forced to endure them at first, and then as he became an upperclassman by employing them while becoming one of the less popular students at the academy.  In short, that is how he developed his strategy of branding his opponents pejoratively--you know, like crooked Hillary and crooked Joe Biden, Little Marco, Lying Ted Cruz, etc.--which he employs with impunity among his credulous constituency. It's as if what he sees in the mirror is what he recognizes as moral deficiency in others, which paradoxically he is then motivated to criticize.  I think that part of the explanation of Trump's "playground bully" personality is that he is autistic; you know, nature versus nurture.  After all, one of the cardinal traits of the autistic is often an inability to relate civilly to others, but insight as to his high school education brings nurture into it more compellingly.  Apparently his mother was glad he got sent away and, while Fred visited Donald most weekends, Mary, Trump's mother went to see him only once or twice over the years of his "military" career.  If his mother didn't like him, what does that tell you?

So the residual question after considering the etiology of Trump's personality is, does this make him psychotic or just neurotic.  Of course occasional use of epithets is something many of us are guilty of, but with Trump it is his modus operandi, and in that light, I often wonder if his reliance on that sophomoric tactic is a sign of mental illness or just a jejune  self-defense mechanism he adopted when he was too small to fend off the bullies from whom he learned bullying as a life style.  But in the final analysis, we will never know because the idea that we can ever get candor from Trump himself makes diagnosis an impossibility.  Thus, while his psychologically traumatic origins may be susceptible of exegesis, his ascent to power in the past as a prelude to the possibility of his re-ascent in 2025 is just that much more daunting on account of it.  To be concise, I think Donald Trump is a danger to himself, but more importantly a danger to others...to society at large not to put too fine a point on it.

If you read these letters, I'm pretty sure you aren't inclined to vote for him regardless of what you read here.  I know that I would never miss my opportunity to vote against him, and I suspect you feel the same way.  It isn't just for the satisfaction of repudiating him and his implicit claim that he is a "stable genius" and the embodiment of the American Way.  It's also because I think it my duty to my real fellow Americans by way of doing my part to protect us all from him.

But just to be clear, I hope you are not considering voting for Trump in November.  He is a miscreant, and I fear that if he ever gets into the White House again, he will legitimize and license in America the loosing of the basest instincts of those who support him.  Until Trump was elected I never entertained the notion that such a debasement of the American ethos was possible, but it sure seems to be a peril that his constituency represents for the rest of us.  So when you go to the polls, stay American.  Don't let the deviants from our national ethic corrupt you.  They aren't the patriots: you are, so act like it.  Save all of our Souls, at the polls.

Your friend,


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This page contains a single entry by Michael Wolf published on August 7, 2024 12:51 PM.

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